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App of the Month: Free All Monsters!

Free All Monsters! was developed by InfoLab21 'Mobile Radicals' Andrew Wilson, Kate Lund and Paul Coulton from the School of Computing and Communications.

It is a fun game for children, families and even grown ups. Turn your iPhone into a 'Magic Monstervision Machine' (powered by Captoplasm!) and use it to spot the invisible monsters hiding in our everday environment. Just like us every monster is unique and each will only appear at the time of day or during the weather conditions they most prefer.

You can also set free your own monsters for other players to spot by uploading your monster drawings at

Monsters are set free as soon as you imagine them!

Have fun and Happy Hallowe'en!

"App of the Month" will be featuring more of the Apps to come out of InfoLab21 in the coming months.

Mon 31 October 2011

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