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AOSD Excellence

InfoLab21 is at the forefront of research into Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) and leads a European research Network of Excellence called AOSD-Europe.

This research group has just been reviewed and rated as excellent across the board. The review also highlighted the high quality of the coordination and project management from InfoLab21 and gave very positive feedback on the research activities that the team is involved with.

Congratulations to the team, which includes Dr. Awais Rashid (coordinator), Ms. Paula Robinson (Project Secretary), Dr. Alessandro Garcia, Prof. Geoff Coulson, Prof. Gordon Blair, Dr. Peter Sawyer, Neil Loughran, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Americo Sampaio, Adrian Colyer, Nelio Cacho, Safoora Shakil Khan and Nathan Weston.

For those not familiar with AOSD, it is a technology with the potential to transform the way we reason about, analyse, structure and develop software systems. More specifically, AOSD is concerned with the systematic identification, modularisation, representation and composition of crosscutting concerns such as security, mobility, distribution, persistence and real-time constraints.

Tue 20 December 2005