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Experience IT - Free Graduate Support for Businesses

InfoLab21 is seeking companies with potential IT projects for MSc graduates and final year undergraduates, for both the Computing and Communication Systems Departments.

For details on getting support with the Computing Department Projects pleased download a factsheet.

The Communication System Department details are as follows:

Focusing on 3 main areas:

1. Communication Systems, Mobile and Signal Processing

  • Secure Communications
  • Speech/Audio and Image/Video coding
  • Mobile Communication Solutions
  • Mobile Game Design
  • M-Commerce Systems
  • Satellite Communications

2. IT and Data Communications

  • IT Software Production
  • Production Management
  • Internet Distribution
  • Networking and Security
  • Information Systems and Management
  • IT Applications

3. Media Production and Distribution

  • Video editing and Production
  • Multimedia Applications
  • Animation and modelling (2D and 3D)
  • Virtual studio environments
  • 3D video production
  • Media Streaming

Examples of Completed Projects:

  1. A bespoke e-commerce site for a local carpet company, allowing customers to browse the online catalogue of products, view the prices of these products, select the length of carpet required and submit their contact information so that the company can process the order.
  2. Design and development of a bespoke web-based, recruitment database to include the following
    • Storage of details of potential employees including electronic copies /scans of C.V.s, work permits, professional documents etc.
    • Storage of details of employers.
    • Storage of details of jobs and projects.
    • Ability to add skills/ trades as required.
    • Ability to add industry categories as required.
    • Ability to search the database under job title, skills, additional skills and trade.
    • Customer relationship management to track communications with registered job seekers including call logs.
    • Calendar and reminder function to allow the company to identify where follow ups are required.
    • Ability to add attachments to individual files.
    • Restricted access to individual files.
    • Online form to allow the easy addition of information on job seekers.
    • Mass email and SMS functionality.
    • Calendar and reminder system.
    • Developing a Customer Relationship Management Database
    • Research into Web services
    • Production of Multimedia CD ROMs
    • Developing Information Security

If your ICT business is interested in new technology, our graduates can help you to evaluate issues, solve problems, build a prototype, test or devise a theory, all for free.

These 4 month projects are defined as a result of consultation between an organisation, business development staff and supervisors.

The project will focus on a problem faced by the organisation, be of interest to the students and relate to the objectives of the programme.

Additional technical supervision and support may be provided by InfoLab21's Knowledge Business Centre, which has a team of staff dedicated to the provision of funded Information Communication Technology support for businesses in the region.

Thu 08 February 2007