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InfoLab21 Benefits Local Economic Growth

Steve Riches, Director of the KBC Steve Riches, Director of the KBC

The Lancaster Guardian has described how the development of the University's business focussed centres such as InfoLab21 and LEC have "brought a wealth of employment and economic benefits" to the area.

Steve Riches, Director of the Knowledge Business Centre (KBC) at InfoLab21 is proud of the way the KBC has integrated with Lancaster's business community. He said; "We are trying to encourage inward investment and improve graduate retention."

This is being done through a variety of ways including the Graduate Academy, business incubation facilities, ICT Cluster Groups, networking events and knowledge transfer between businesses and researchers.

The Lancaster Guardian stated that the importance of the expanding University to the area must not be under-estimated.

"Businesses wishing to move to Lancaster can benefit from facilities and researchers based at InfoLab21 and the Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC).

The developments have brought many new businesses into the district, which in turn has boosted the economy and helped retain graduates in the city."

Dr.Mark Bacon, director of Enterprise and Businesses Partnerships at the Lancaster Environment Centre, said "We are capitalising on our expertise here to bring a commercial community to Lancaster."

Talking about further developments for the University, Estates director Mark Swindlehurst said: "We have got a 40-year-old estate that we have got to rejuvenate. We have also recently bought 65 acres of new land around the campus which will be redeveloped.

"We have spent £200-250 million in the last four years on campus developments, and there is a lot more to come.

"We want to help keep graduates in Lancaster, put wealth back into the local economy. and create jobs for local people."

Thu 13 December 2007