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ICT JobShop Coming Soon...

Following ongoing demand from our Associate Companies, InfoLab21 is launching an interactive JobShop aimed directly at ICT based students and graduates at Lancaster University and digital companies in the Northwest.

The ICT JobShop aims to help Lancaster ICT students and employers find each other for part-time work, project work, vacation work and graduate positions.


Through the InfoLab21 ICT JobShop employers can advertise any kind of ICT employment opportunity you have, from casual work to full-time employment.


Employers fill in a simple introductory form and the ICT JobShop takes the information you give us and presents it in a clear and consistent format allowing students to decide which opportunities they wish to register interest in.


Employers are a click away from the skills they need and can also browse basic CV's, compare skills sets and contact students directly.

Save money and time and maximises resources

The InfoLab21 ICT JobShop provides employers seeking ICT skills with free advertising direct to their target market in real time.

Need a new team member?

The InfoLab21 ICT Job Shop could allows employers to take on new staff on a small project, see if they fit the team and develop a partnership with the student which may lead to full time employment after they graduate.

Give something back

By using the InfoLab21 Job Shop, employers provide opportunities for young people who are keen to gain experience, develop and apply their skills in the workplace, helping to retain these key skills for the region.

Tue 16 September 2008