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Digital Brain Switch: seeking social entrepreneurs for a video and interview study

The Digital Brain Switch (DBS) research project is motivated by the rise of digital communication technologies and their influence on our sense of work-life balance.

The central research question to be explored in this project is:

How do modern communications affect our ability to manage transitions across work-life boundaries? Does technology support us to manage transitions more flexibly, creating more permeable boundaries and a less segmented persona, or does it encourage leakage across boundaries and a difficult identity management task? How can we intervene in this process in a way that people find supportive and useful?

Professor Jon Whittle and Ming Ki Chong from the School of Computing and Communications are exploring these issues in collaboration with researchers from three other British Universities. Their study combines elements from both the Social Sciences and Computing and is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Currently, DBS are looking to recruit Social Entrepreneurs to take part in the first component of their study. This is a great networking opportunity for those wishing to get to know others in the same boat, and contributing to innovative research. The DBS research team invites anyone interested to take a look at the DBS website ( and get in touch.

Thu 10 October 2013